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Sincerely Wilson – “Chains” Remix feat. AKS

By My Thoughts

My brother, Sincerely Wilson, recently released a song that touched my conscience entitled “Chains“. It echoed a lot of the thoughts and feelings that we’ve all been having about the state of affairs between the black community and the police force, especially in America where a notable amount of black men and women have been murdered at the hands of so called law enforcement whilst being documented via social media and seemingly without much recourse.

In honesty it’s a subject I’ve been hesitant to approach on record. On some level I haven’t had the words. Only anger and sorrow at an untenable situation. But when Wilson put out a rallying call for artists to add a verse, I had to try and speak.

So here’s the result of that attempt. I hope it serves some purpose beyond being an outlet for me.

#Chains #PrideOverPrejudice #BlackLivesMatter #AShameOnYou